/* InnoKB 2.x webpage localization file ( www.wjjsoft.com ) Notes! 1. If you make changes to this config file, be sure to save in UTF-8, especially when you input non-ANSI characters into this file; 2. The messages in this file only apply to the login-specific static webpages; 3. The localization mechanism for the static webpages is mucher simpler and differnet than the ajax-based interfaces for viewers/editors/admin; 4. This localization file is NOT an INI file but actually in javascript source code, so revising these messages needs to comply with javascript language specs; 5. This localization file should be put into the './html' or './js' directory to let it take effects, while the .INI localization files should be put into their own sub directories (ie. './locale/.../'); */ var _xMsg={ //The webpage footer and error codes; 'Info.Footer' : '%CUSTOM_APP_TITLE% Powered by %APP_TITLE%' , 'Info.ErrCode' : 'ErrCode: %ERR_ID% (%ERR_CODE%)' , 'Info.Untitled' : 'Untitled info item' , 'Info.ItemSummary' : 'Created: %CREATED% by %CREATOR%; Updated: %REVISED% by %REVISOR%; Size: %HTMLSIZE%; Database: %DBID%' , 'Info.LabelHeader' : 'Category: ' , 'Info.AttachHeader' : 'Attachments related to this article' , 'Info.DateFormat' : 'mm/dd/yyyy' , 'Info.TimeFormat' : 'hh:mm' //Webpage: login form; , 'Login.Form.Welcome' : 'Welcome to %CUSTOM_APP_TITLE%' , 'Login.Form.Prompt' : 'Please login with your login ID and password.' , 'Login.Form.Uid' : 'Login ID:' , 'Login.Form.Pwd' : 'Password:' , 'Login.Form.As' : 'Login as:' , 'Login.Form.Submit' : ' Login ' , 'Login.Form.Anonymous' : 'Anonymous Access' , 'Login.Form.Viewer' : 'Viewer' , 'Login.Form.Editor' : 'Editor' , 'Login.Form.Admin' : 'Administrator' //Webpage: login failure; , 'Login.Fail.Header' : 'Authentication Failure' , 'Login.Fail.Descr' : 'You might have mistyped your login ID or password, please double check your input. Note that passwords are case-sensitive, you might also check the CapsLock light on your keyboard.' , 'Login.Fail.Retry' : ' Try again ' //Webpage: access forbidden; , 'Login.Forbid.Header' : 'Access Forbidden' , 'Login.Forbid.Descr' : 'You don\'t have permission to access the interface [%TARGET_URI%]. Please consult the system administrators.' , 'Login.Forbid.Relogin' : ' Re-Login ' }; function _lc(sID, sMsg, sTag) { //DO NOT make changes to this function; var xElm=document.getElementById(sID); if(xElm){ switch((sTag||'').toLowerCase()){ case 'txt': { xElm.innerHTML=''; if(sMsg){ var xTxt=document.createTextNode(sMsg); if(xTxt) xElm.appendChild(xTxt); } break; } case 'htm': { xElm.innerHTML=sMsg||''; break; } case 'val': { xElm.value=sMsg||''; break; } default: { xElm.setAttribute('title', sMsg||''); break; } } } return xElm; }