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添加删除程序和Visual Style的冲突

Tags: /计算机文档/Windows应用技巧/Windows NT_2000_XP/   Date Created:

添加删除程序和Visual Style的冲突

Fixing the dreaded "Parser Message: Value creation failed " at line 472" error. This is a problem with the file shellstyle.dll, which is included in most visual styles. Use the following steps to fix the problem: 1.) Go to your /WINDOWS/Resources/Themes directory, or wherever you may have your themes located.

2.) Go into the directory of the theme your currently using.

Example: Using 'Semplice' by KoL? Navigate to /WINDOWS/Resources/Themes/Semplice

3.) Go into the folder called 'Shell" within the previous directory.

4.) Inside you'll find a folder with a file called 'shellstyle.dll' inside. Now remember the name of the theme your using? (Example: Semplice). You need to rename this folder from Shell to the name of the theme your currently using. If you don't know the exact name, go to Display Properties, and try to Display/Show the theme, the name you see in Display Properties is the name you need to change the 'Shell' folder to.

Example: Using Semplice as an example, the Shell folder for that theme is called 'Shell', in this situation you'll need to rename the folder to 'Semplice'. Easy enough, right?

Note that for multi-part themes, aka themes with more than one variation or color, you'll need to rename each corresponding 'Shell' folder to what is displayed in Display Properties when you try to apply the theme.

5.) Now that you've changed the 'Shell' folder name to correspond with the visual styles name, reapply the theme.

6.) Go to Add/Remove Programs, and voila!


無法使用新增移除程式,出現Parser Message....錯誤訊息(Windows XP)

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無法使用新增移除程式,Parser Message: Value creation failed at line 472 (Windows XP Service Pack 1)



Parser Message: Value creation failed at line 472


應該是你安裝 Style XP這種變 Windows XP換佈景主題的軟體造成的,Style XP 與 Windows XP Service Pack 1 不相容,必須更新你的 Style XP 才可以解決這個問題。(註一)

如果要重新恢復新增移除程式的功能,請改回 Windows XP 預設的佈景主題:


到「外觀」,將「Windows 和按鈕」選擇為「Windows XP 樣式」(不要使用任何自行安裝的佈景主題程式所定義的樣式),按確定。


會產生這個現象的原因,主要是 Style XP 他所安裝進來的 uxtheme.dll 這個檔案,替換掉了 Windows XP 本身的 uxtheme.dll,而 Style XP 所提供的 uxtheme.dll 版本又與 Windows XP Service Pack 1 不相容,所以安裝到 Windows XP Service Pack 1 之後,就會產生這類無法預期的現象。

如果要回復 Windows XP自己的uxtheme.dll可以利用 SFC 公用程式來還原:

開始>>執行,輸入 cmd 按確定。

鍵入 sfc /scannow 按 Enter,接著請照畫面指示進行,讓 SFC 幫你把原始版本的 uxtheme.dll 還原至 C:\Windows\System32 下。

但請注意,單獨回復 uxtheme.dll 不能解決問題的,因為關鍵還是在 Style XP ,因為原始的 uxtheme.dll 版本不見得充分支援 Styel XP,亦可能造成其他無法預期的現象,如果你一定要用這種佈景主題軟體,請更新至最新版本,或移除 Style XP。


更新 Style XP 請至 Style XP 的網站更新至最新版本,Style XP 是由所謂第三廠商(third party)所開發的一種佈景主題軟體,與 Microsoft 以及 Windows XP 作業系統無關,他不是 Windows XP 內含元件之一,就如同其他的視窗應用軟體一樣,每當作業系統改版之後,都有發生相容性的機率。

關於 Style XP,可參考: http://www.tgtsoft.com/download.asp